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Birchwood Careers Programme

Birchwood PRU Careers Info
Folkestone/Hythe & Kent Employers
Useful Links

Birchwood works with CEIAG who support our young people with their Career choices.

Careers Advisor - Beth Liston

Birchwood would love to work collaboratively with you and give our students information on the career opportunities available to them in Folkestone and the wider Kent area.


Please email to have an initial conversation on how we can work together.

The Kent & Medway Careers Hub have partnered with John Paley to create the Choosing Your Path guides.  Access the digital bookshelf with fifteen quick guides.

Past Student Updates

Callum Brooks came to talk to Birchwood students about his career path since leaving Birchwood himself 6 years ago

Callum went on to pass level 3 qualifications in film making and is now studying for a degree in this area at Canterbury Christchurch university.  


Callum has had various directing and other roles within the film industry and has built up a portfolio of experience and qualifications.  Callum talked to the students about overcoming  difficulties at school and how accessing university and a dream career is not out of their reach.


Thank you to Callum for coming into school and sharing his experiences with the students.


I am  now at Folkestone College studying health and social care and I am enjoying the course.  I had help from Birchwood's careers advisor, Bethan, to apply for the course on the college website which was really good.


I am now at sixth form college at the football academy and I am doing really well.  Birchwood helped me get onto this course and I am really glad I got a place as it is exactly what I want to do.

Enterprise Advisor

David Chalcroft is now working with Birchwood as an Enterprise Advisor.  


Birchwood is very lucky to have this support as David has extensive experience working with apprentices and managing young people at the start of their careers.  David has also worked with a wide number of employers and schools and supported links between students and employment.

What support will I get with careers?


All pupils at Birchwood receive a significant amount of individual support with thinking about the next steps.

These are the types of things you will discuss at your careers guidance meeting:


  • Your interests (subjects you like, things you enjoy doing outside of school)

  • What your strengths are (skills and qualities)

  • Ambitions for the future (jobs or courses you are interested in)

  • Whether you have already made plans for your post 16 education (college, apprenticeships etc) and what these are.

The careers adviser can support you with:


  • Thinking about what you would like to do in the future

  • Researching different courses and providers

  • Submitting applications

  • Searching for apprenticeships

  • Suggestions on finding part-time work

  • Considering your longer-term goals and plans.


All Birchwood staff will support you, in particular you will be supported with these things by the Careers Adviser Bethan. You will also meet with staff from the Department for Work & Pensions and The Education People.


Have a look at the useful websites page for information that might be helpful to you.

Birchwood Careers Programme

In addition to the individual support you will receive, there are many events and activities that you can access whilst at Birchwood. Take a look at the careers programme summary for more information!

Previous Pupils

We are really proud to say that pupils from Birchwood move on to lots of positive destinations.  Many pupils attend the local colleges and access a range of courses. Popular courses amongst last year’s pupils included Carpentry, Music, Health & Social Care, Motor Mechanics and Hairdressing.  Some pupils have moved on to apprenticeships or employment in the area they are interested in.


Birchwood will support Parents and Carers in a variety of ways including sharing information on career pathways, invites to employer experiences and face to face or online support with the application process for post 16 destinations.  Birchwood will also support families on results day and beyond Year 11 as necessary.


Our pupils have a diverse range of interests and aspirations and welcome the opportunity to hear from people in the world of work. 

If you think you can contribute to the Careers Programme at Birchwood we would really like to hear from you. 

Please contact us by emailing or telephoning 0300 065 8450.

The table below offers an overview of the destination of students leaving Birchwood since 2018

Destination information for pupils of Birchwood 
Personalised Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

Birchwood’s intention is to support all pupils with high quality guidance that is tailored to their individual needs, interests and level of ability. We have high expectations of all pupils. 


  • All pupils are offered multiple opportunities to meet with the L6 qualified Careers Adviser to access personalised guidance. The focus is particularly on year 11 pupils due to their transition to post 16 education, but guidance is also regularly offered to pupils in lower years. 

  • Yr 11 pupils receive frequent support from the Careers Adviser– this includes individual support with post 16 applications, careers research, bursary applications, interview skills etc. Pupils are not limited to 1 meeting with the Careers Adviser. 

  • Telephone support is offered to pupils during times of absence/school holidays.  

  • The Careers Adviser often liaises with parents.  

  • Arrangements are in place for The Education People to come in and meet with individual pupils identified as ‘at risk of NEET’ by the Birchwood team. This early intervention enables TEP to build a relationship with pupils and, alongside Birchwood staff, reduce the risk of NEET.  

  • Notes are kept on each pupil detailing every meeting with the Careers Adviser and any contact/work that has been undertaken on their behalf.  

Yr 11 Leavers
  • Every pupil is contacted during the summer holidays (after results day) to discuss their results and ensure they have the information required to enrol with their chosen post 16 provider. The Careers Adviser will support with any issues at this point (this includes liaising with the college, advocating on behalf of pupils, helping them to seek alternative options etc).  

  • We continue to offer support to yr 11 leavers, as required. For example, if a pupil does not progress to their planned destination they are invited in to meet with the Careers Adviser for support searching/applying for other opportunities. This support is not limited and is bespoke to the individual pupil. 

  • The Careers Adviser meets with The Education People during term 1 to discuss all yr 11 leavers and arrange handover/additional support for pupils if required. 

Work Experience

​Birchwood offers work experience to pupils on an individual basis. These are independently risk assessed by an external agency before commencing.  


​One of our students is currently working with a local landscape gardener and demonstrating some fantastic work place skills.  The employer, Tom Williams, is very pleased with Frankie's progress.

Careers Programme

​Pupils have accessed a range of activities during the last 3 years at Birchwood including: 


  • A local apprenticeship fair 

  • Access to the annual Kent Choices event 

  • Visit to local workplaces (e.g Broome Park Hotel)  

  • Talks from employers (Holiday Extras) 

  • A networking event with a number of local employers 

  • Workshops with The Young Animators 

  • Series of workshops with the Army – skills, team building etc.  

  • Work experience  


Activities that have taken place/are planned during the academic year 2022-2023 include:  



The Careers Programme is developed annually in accordance with statutory guidance from the Department for Education:



and with the aim of meeting the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks listed below:


  1. A stable careers programme

  2. Learning from career and labour market information

  3. Addressing the needs of individual pupils

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  5. Encounters with employers and employees

  6. Experiences of workplaces

  7. Encounters with further and higher education

  8. Personal Guidance


The careers programme is reviewed and evaluated with the support of The Careers and Enterprise Company and the Compass tool.


If you would like to support or contribute to the careers programme at Birchwood, please contact Bethan Liston (Careers Officer)




We measure the impact of the careers programme using the Compass evaluation tool: 

We regularly meet with the Careers Enterprise Company to review and develop our provision of CEIAG.

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